Who We Are


The Indiana Criminal Justice Association (ICJA), formerly the Indiana Correctional Association, is a vibrant professional member association with the mission of enhancing the continuum of criminal justice in Indiana by focusing on the enrichment of the criminal justice professional and the Criminal Justice System as a whole.

Our core objectives are to promote awareness of the criminal justice system, to promote a spirit of cooperation among the many disciplines of the criminal justice field, to raise the standards of professional practices in the delivery of treatment and rehabilitative services, and to provide training and educational opportunities for criminal justice professionals statewide.

Our members represent many sectors of the criminal justice profession in order to achieve these aforementioned objectives, and fulfill our collective mission. If you are NOT already a member, please consider joining our efforts. If you are already a member, THANK YOU and please let us know if there are additional ways your association can serve you.


Questions: email ICJAnews@yahoo.com or contact Eric Hoch at 317-266-9564

Refer to Events tab for additional information

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